Can Dirty Windows Affect Your Health?

In order to prevent sickness, people are constantly being reminded to wash their hands properly. This advice makes a lot of sense, especially during the cold and flu season.


However, the importance of maintaining a sanitary home may not be as apparent. Even those who regularly dust, vacuum, and disinfect commonly touched surfaces may forget the most visible part of any home: the windows!


Clean, well-maintained windows and frames add more visual appeal to your home. They also defend your health against health risks you may not have considered.


How Do Dirty Windows Make You Sick?  

Just because you can see through the glass, that doesn’t mean your windows are clean. Your windows and frames are constantly subjected to all kinds of interior and exterior pollutants from both sides of the glass: 


  • Airborne dirt

  • Dust, dust mites (and their feces)

  • Mold 

  • Mildew

  • Pollen

  • Bird droppings 

  • Bacteria

  • Grime from air pollution

  • Spiders, dead bugs


The longer these dirty conditions go unchecked, the more potential health problems you could face. Health concerns brought on by dirty windows include:


  • Respiratory issues

  • Sore throat

  • Watery eyes

  • Congestion

  • Dry cough

  • Itchy skin 

  • Irritated respiratory issues

  • Frequent headaches, colds, and flus within the home


Airborne mold spores can lead to any number of health threats. If it lives on your windows or accumulates in your window sills, there’s a strong chance you’re breathing it in, too. 


The Importance of Clean Windows

Sometimes, it’s easier to keep the blinds drawn, especially if the windows are mucky and challenging to clean from the outside. However, letting the sunshine in is crucial as the sun’s UV rays work as a natural disinfectant to help kill the mold and germs that make us sick. 


Sunlight also plays an important part in our mental health. Exposure to sunlight is linked to increased serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that works as a hormone to make you feel happy, calm, and more focused.   


Like sunlight, opening windows and allowing fresh air to ventilate your home are good ways to limit the spread of harmful pathogens in the air. However, if the screens covering your window are dirty, you may allow more allergens to blow inside.  


Window cleaning isn’t a small task if you reside in a larger home. You should thoroughly clean the outside of your windows at least two times a year in the spring and fall. 

Depending on your situation, this can be a time-consuming task. 


And this is where a professional cleaning service can help. 


The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Cleaning Service

A freshly cleaned space is an easy way to improve your mood. Unfortunately, it’s a job that can take up a lot of your time. When it comes to the hygiene of your living space, you want to ensure the job is handled correctly and safely. Our team will save you multiple trips up the ladder.


Martinez Property Services maintains properties to the highest standards by professionally washing everything from your glass panes and screens to the window tracks and sills inside and outside your home. Say goodbye to unsightly streaks, spots, dead bugs, rust, and anything else that doesn’t belong. 


When you hire a professional, you get a proper assessment of the necessary work and notification of any problems found. Martinez Property Services uses the best products available to treat your dirty windows.


Our professional window cleaning services are a cost-effective way to preserve your property and general health. If you’re curious about our process or would like a free quote, call 778-840-4445 or send us a quick message